Dec 19, 2009

Copenhagen accord gets green groups' thumbs down

The green groups have given negative comments on the Copenhagen accord. When asked about it, the Centre for Science for Environment said: "India buckled under pressure in Copenhagen. Non-legally binding agreement will weak emission cuts from the developed world."

India has agreed to a process which will ultimately kill the Kyoto Protocol and undermine the legitimacy of the UNFCCC, the statement said.

"The Copenhagen Accord that India plans to sign here will erase both historical responsibility and the distinction between industrialised and non-industrialised countries from future climate change negotiations," it added.

According to Greenpeace (India): "This has been a shirking of global responsibility by India and a weak outcome has so-far emerged from the UN climate talks."

The deal is not ambitious, is unfair, not legally binding and likely to put the world on a path to at least a 3C temperature rise, Greenpeace said.

"Seven hundred million Indians are dependent on climate sensitive sectors and resources. The failure to reach an ambitious and legally binding agreement pushes them further to the brink," Greenpeace said.


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